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Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15 (R. John 6:63c); Mark 2:13-17 Can you try and make a spiritual journey with me for a moment? Assume the position of Levi in Mark 2:13-17. Imagine yourself at the commercial centre of the city making serious money like Levi, and then Jesus comes along to call you. Can you leave all your wealth behind to follow him as Levi did? Apart from that, Levi was considered a public sinner by the same society to which Jesus belonged. Yet Jesus broke protocols to call him. That is an unmerited favour. Imagine yourself, a sinner like Levi, and Jesus broke the protocols and gave himself up on the wood of the cross just to save you. It is also an unmerited favour. How did Levi react to that unmerited favour? He left everything to follow Jesus (Mark 2:14). More than that, he attracted people like him to also follow Jesus (Mark 2:15). We are all beneficiaries of the unmerited favour. St Paul says that it was while we were still sinners that Jesus died f...
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Leadership is Influence and Great Task to Operate.

Jesus Christ is an exemplary leader. No matter how bad or ugly your past is, Christ is a great leader to follow to your redemption.


“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” 2 Corinthians 5:17(NIV) .    If the old were needful, important or relevant God would not have bothered about bringing something new. The truth is this old was never meant to be. It was never God’s intended purpose. It was not in the original plan. It was only permitted for a reason. The new is what God’s original intended purpose was. It remained in place till Adam gave in to the devil’s temptation opening the door for the old to operate in our lives.    It is called the old because many, except Adam, Eve and Jesus, never knew the new or what it was like when it was in place here on earth. All of us who were born in Adam were born into the old.    However, your continued living or existence in the old is totally up to you now that you have come to the age of accountability, a point in your existence from whence you are completely accountable to God for your ...

Hilary Ogom Nwadei Productions

Persistance in Love!

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Stay in Step with the Spirit

Those who know God personally are filled with the Holy Spirit. Galatians 5:25 says, “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” We may not know what the person before us is going through in his or her life, but God knows. If we are in step with the Spirit, God can lead our conversation. And when you remember that God is with you every step you take, you talk to God as you listen to others. God will tell you what to ask, what to say, and when to keep silent. Being in step with the Spirit means you are open to his leading, therefore you are not in the driver’s seat. When we are controlling things, we are calling the shots and are tempted to make each conversation about us and our experiences. Even as the other person shares, we get our next point ready, formulating our thoughts so they come out just right.


            Christmas mean different things to different people.  To some people it is the time of merry making, to others it is the time to buy new clothes, new shoes, new necklace e.t.c.; to some it is time to eat and drink and get drunk, while to some people, it is time to embrace Christ who has come to us in the form of man.  At Christmas many are so busy with material preparations, parties, shopping, gift-giving that they practically forget whose birthday we are about to observe.  There is always more for the one who has eyes to see and ears to hear.  The meaning and message of Christmas is a complex mystery of profound and immense importance.  One can outline them in the following ways: 1. INCARNATION  -        GOD  BECAME  MAN             Over and above all, Christmas has its root and basis in the mystery of God becoming man.  The incarnati...