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            Christmas mean different things to different people.  To some people it is the time of merry making, to others it is the time to buy new clothes, new shoes, new necklace e.t.c.; to some it is time to eat and drink and get drunk, while to some people, it is time to embrace Christ who has come to us in the form of man.  At Christmas many are so busy with material preparations, parties, shopping, gift-giving that they practically forget whose birthday we are about to observe. 

There is always more for the one who has eyes to see and ears to hear.  The meaning and message of Christmas is a complex mystery of profound and immense importance.  One can outline them in the following ways:


            Over and above all, Christmas has its root and basis in the mystery of God becoming man.  The incarnation lies at the heart of the Christmas celebration.  This is clearly stated in the Gospel of St John 1:14  “The word was made flesh and lived among us.”  It is not just the birth of Jesus at Bethlehem that we commemorate at Christmas, but rather the mystery of God-made-human.  This mystery is one that exceeds our human understanding and makes great demand on our faith.  The Church has always maintained the divine and human aspects of this mystery and it is this whole and unified view that we find in the celebration of Christmas.  Jesus, though he was in the form of God, became fully human in all respects, but sin.  He put on our very nature not in its decorated form, but in its lowliest form.  In this way, he was able to bridge the gap which, through our sinfulness, existed between us and God.  St Gregory Nazianze expressed it thus: “He, Christ, took to himself the poverty of my flesh, so that I might obtain the riches of His Godhead.”  Pope St Leo expressed it admirably as follows: “Be conscious, O Christian, of your dignity!  You have been made a partaker of the divine nature; do not fall again by a corrupt manner of life into the beggarly elements above which you are lifted.”

            Christmas teaches us that God is not merely a God transcendent - a God out there, a God who dwells only in the heavens (Deus remotus - a remote God or Deus absconditus - a run-away, abscond God), but also a God bestowed, an immanent God, a God who wills and who has actually communicated Himself to us so that He might draw us to Himself in faith, hope and love.


            One of the most captivating images of Christmas is the display of the nativity in Bethlehem represented in the crib.  Therein, we behold the child Jesus lying in the manger, with Mary, his mother, kneeling at his side and Joseph, his foster father, looking on with great concern.  The liturgy tends to portray the simplicity and humility associated with Christ’s birth.  We are reminded that the new born child, the son of God, is a king.  We are invited through the liturgy to dwell on the majesty and glory of the new born baby, who, in becoming a human person, never ceases to be the son of God, and whose mission on earth was to save us.  He is as Isaiah calls him: “The Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace” (Is. 9: 5 - 6).  Twenty centuries have come and gone since his birth.  But today, he remains the central figure of the human race.  He has given ultimate meaning to human life and all existence.  This is something to think about this Christmas.


            Christmas is also a celebration and commemoration of God’s love for humanity revealed in Jesus Christ.  The Old Testament is the history of God’s revelation of himself to the people.  In it, we see how God spoke with his people, led them to a fuller knowledge of himself, and unfolded His great plan of salvation.  God spoke to his people through the events of their lives and especially through the prophets who were his chosen messengers and interpreters.  Then when the appropriate time arrived, God, who in former times spoke to us through prophets, now speaks to us through his Son (Heb. 1: 1 - 2).  He is the word who makes known to us who the Father is.  He is the fullest revelation of God’s love (John 14:9). 

            At this Christmas let us pray to realise and accept God’s priceless Christmas gift- Christ, and so live with him in God.  He is our best gift from God.  A gift of love of God revealed in Christ Jesus is one that calls for a response of love.  Pope John XXIII said: “whoever has a heart full of love always has something to give.”  Our preparation for Christmas is incomplete unless we do as Christ did.  Let us, therefore, seek opportunities to show love and concern for others in practical ways, especially for those who are often neglected, overlooked, rejected, and abandoned.  By so doing, we help people experience the Good News of Jesus’ coming among us, and we ourselves will know in our hearts the joy, peace and goodwill he gives.


            From the moment of his appearance on earth, the role and mission of Jesus was proclaimed.  He had been sent by the Father for the salvation of the world.  As the angels announced to the shepherds: “Today in the town of David, a Saviour has been born to you” (Lk. 2:11).  Thus we seen that Christ came into the world not just to teach and be a light to all people.  His mission was to redeem humanity.  He came to lift up all things to himself, to restore unity to creation, and to lead all people from exile into the kingdom of God.  This work of salvation, which was initiated in the manger of Bethlehem, reached its culmination on the cross of Golgotha and subsequently in the resurrection.  Thus we are reminded that our commemoration does not stop with the birth and infancy of Jesus, but embraces his whole life from the cradle to the cross and beyond.


            “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy” (Lk 2:10).  “Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth to men of goodwill.”  This is the hymn sung by the angels at Christ’s birth.  What this shows is that the message of Christmas is essentially one of peace; peace in our hearts, peace in our homes, in our country and throughout the world.  “Peace I leave with you” said Jesus, “my peace I give you; not as the world gives do I give to you” (John 14:27).  Jesus is the Prince of Peace who has come to bring love and pardon, light, hope and joy into our lives.  We are all yearning for this peace. 

            But unfortunately, this peace is apparently absent and elusive because most of us are looking for it in the wrong ways, false places and improper things.  Peace will come only when God is given His rightful place in our lives, in our families, in our private and public dealings with our fellow human beings.  To promote the cause of this peace and harmony is a duty that falls on all members of the human family.  If ever the world needs anything now, it is peace among peoples.  Thus it is demanding on us all, especially as Christians to promote and sustain the cause of that lasting peace brought by the birth of the child Jesus.

            One of the great contributions of Christianity is that it has brought joy to the world.  We are very much familiar with a well known Christmas hymn " Joy to the world".  Our Lord has promised us joy  " Your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you" (John 16.22).  Unless we separate ourselves from its source, nothing and nobody can take away this joyful peace.  If we truly seeking the lord in our life, nothing can take away our peace and joy.

            Brothers and sisters, it is not by mere chance or coincidence that at Christmas we are ending another year and preparing to move into a new year.  It is by divine providence.  It has pleased the Lord in his divine wisdom and infinite mercy to make it that way.  This is an opportunity we must not miss.  Let us use the patience of the Lord as an opportunity to be saved.  Jesus embraced us in our humanity.  He has renewed and restored all creation in himself.  But what does our present national condition, the world-wide situation show us.  From our daily experiences, we realise that the world is changing, but is it for the better? 

            Lives are no longer save in our cities, robberies, assaults, assassins, raping, murders, kidnapping, 419’s.  These and many others are reported every day in our midst.  What does the future hold for us?  Apparitions of Our Lady continue to echo the voice of divine mercy and healing.  How are we listening and responding?  We may not know the future, but we know the one who has the future and indeed the whole world in his hands.  To him let us re-commit and re-dedicate ourselves, our families and friends, our whole lives, our work, our trade, our studies, our relationships, our commitments and all that he has given us.  “Come Lord Jesus and take your place today.”  Amen

   I wish you all a grace-filled Christmas and a happy, prosperous and joyous 2019.


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