Can you try and make a spiritual journey with me for a moment? Assume the position of Levi in Mark 2:13-17. Imagine yourself at the commercial centre of the city making serious money like Levi, and then Jesus comes along to call you. Can you leave all your wealth behind to follow him as Levi did?
Apart from that, Levi was considered a public sinner by the same society to which Jesus belonged. Yet Jesus broke protocols to call him. That is an unmerited favour.
Imagine yourself, a sinner like Levi, and Jesus broke the protocols and gave himself up on the wood of the cross just to save you. It is also an unmerited favour. How did Levi react to that unmerited favour? He left everything to follow Jesus (Mark 2:14). More than that, he attracted people like him to also follow Jesus (Mark 2:15).
We are all beneficiaries of the unmerited favour. St Paul says that it was while we were still sinners that Jesus died for us (Rom 5:8). He took our nature and had a share in our weaknesses that he might help us out of them as a wounded healer (see Heb 4:12-16).
St John tells us that, having been healed, we too must also help others to become healed (cf. 1 John 3:16). We cannot do this well if we look down on others because they are sinners, as the teachers of law and the Pharisees did (Mark 2:16).
May God give us the grace to answer Jesus as he invites us daily to follow him. And may he redeem us from the sickness of condemning others who rather need our assistance to also get redemption. Amen.
Have a great and happy weekend. Peace be with you.
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